Yes, it’s that time of year again; time to scramble around shopping for the best deals we can find on gifts for the next holiday on the calendar.
Or we can reflect on some of the things we have been blessed with. My list is probably similar to the lists many of you have . . . a healthy and loving family . . . a warm, safe home . . . plenty (some might say too much) to eat . . . the opportunity to share these and other things with we people we care for. But I have something else I am thankful for as well. The great people I get to work with.I really consider myself blessed to be able to work at some really great places with some really great people. As this is my blog I will focus on that group. Sharing a passion for the sport of lacrosse with them is actually only a part of it. But it is the part that brought us together.
Amazing Staff
Boys coach blocking goal while training young lax player
I am so impressed with the young men and women who I work with at Swax Lax Lacrosse. These kids range in age from 14 to 22 and come from some of the best lacrosse programs in our area; including Summit, Chatham, Ridge, Columbia, Madison, Bernards, Millburn, Mendham, Oak Knoll, Kent Place, Pingry, Delbarton, Seton Hall, St. Peter’s, and Morristown-Beard. I am not the only one who thinks this. A lot of college coaches and admissions directors think pretty highly about these folks too. Many of these kids are going to some of the best lacrosse programs and academic institutions in the country including: Air Force Academy, Northwestern, Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Michigan, Holy Cross, Bucknell, Colgate, Hamilton, Rutgers, Notre Dame, Villanova, Denver, Boston College, Loyola, Union, Maryland, and Richmond. The fact that these young people are capable of playing at these levels is impressive but not nearly as impressive as the way they connect with our campers.
They Do It All—Including Pokemon!
Every day I am amazed at what I see these kids do. Their enthusiasm (not easy to maintain when it’s 90 degrees and 90% humidity) is remarkable. Their passion for lacrosse is obvious. But the really amazing thing about these kids is their compassion. Our coaches/counselors never fail to make a connection with the campers. It might have nothing to do with lacrosse. I saw one of our All-American lacrosse players spend 20 minutes playing Pokemon cards with a camper who was having a bad day and just couldn’t participate in the drills. Our staff is amazing, and I am very thankful to be able to work with them.
I know our counselors get something from the experience as well. It’s kind of nice to have a team/clan of youngsters follow you around and listen to you—most of the time. I get that, it’s good for the ego. But I can’t think of a better group of role models for our campers. Coach Lobo (who also has a camper) said it pretty well, "These counselors are the people you hope your children become."I am always amazed at how many of our staff return each year. I always expect them to get snatched up by some smart company looking to hire sharp interns. If any of you out there is hiring, you would be wise to interview some of our staff.
Happy Thanksgiving.